IBA COLLEGE OF MINDANAO, INC. adheres to provide:
I Innovative Filipinos in technological, academic training and lifelong learning for quality education.
B Balanced education for the total development of the learning individual to cope with technological and social change.
A Affordable tuition fees and access to developmental programs and services.
C Capability building opportunities to all its faculty and stafftowards quality assurance.
M Milestone of advanced education and training in Mindanao and the world.
IBA COLLEGE OF MINDANAO, INC. envisions becoming Mindanao's leading academic and technological training institution needed by the 21st global century learners and international job market.
1. Provide fair avenues for all families of the society to acquire quality education and training.
2. Provide opportunities for the acquisition of various skills and competencies through relevant and advanced training for quality assurance.
3. Address the gap in skill-employment mismatch for job proficiency.
4. Develop faculty members and staff to be effective, efficient, innovative and committed team builders.
5. Transform education and training through technological adavancement and modernization.
6. Utilize research and extension as imperative tools in achieving sustainable change and development in the Province of Bukidnon and Mindanao.
Resposibility. IBACM assumes responsibility of giving equal opportunities and access to affordable, relevant, standard and quality education and training to the community.
Employability. IBACM believes in the employability and maketability of its graduates qualified to meet world class standards.
Assurance. IBACM assures the community of enhanced living condition by producing its graduates envisioning environmental concern awareness.
Love. IBACM continues to pursue its love for education and training for all Filipino learners.